Martine Stiles BSc (Hons)(Chiro) PGDip (Animal Manip) MMCA AMC RCC
Call for more info: 07810 433 701
McTimoney Chiropractor ESTABLISHED IN 2004
Health & Harmony for Human, Horse & Hound
"After a bad riding fall I crawled into Martines treatment room with the help of a walking stick and after treatment I walked out."Teresa F, 46, riding instructor.
"Martine, Gonzo is a different beast after your treatment yesterday morning. Walking with his usual vigour, so thanks for your magic touch."Mike Sheil, owner of Gonzo, 4, ex-racing greyhound.
Case Studies
Wendy (Alpaca)
Wendy, a 9 year old Red Alpaca who was five months pregnant, presented with her near hind leg hanging. She was very lame, although seemed better being kept in. There was no known cause although it was suspected one of the other alpacas had tried to mount her. The onset had been three weeks prior to my visit. Wendy did not even want to stand up so most of the treatment was done whilst she was lying down. I found several thoracic/lumbar vertebrae misaligned and her pelvis had a rotation and tilt occurring on opposite sides. After just one treatment Wendy was much better and had been walking on the leg. I visited Wendy for weekly treatments three times, and again a month later, and she has been fine since. Her owner Sarah Ward said that she is still going strong and is about 15 now.
Daffy (Horse)
Brook (Dog)
Brook, a 6 year old Doberman, was screaming out in pain. The vet could not find anything, so an x-ray was taken. It was found that she had ruptured C5 and C6 discs. It was thought to have started after a tooth extraction. Brook was booked into surgery, but it was felt that she was not bad enough as the surgery carried a high risk of being ineffective or, worse, Brook losing the use of her hind legs. The first time I treated Brook I adjusted her atlas C1 and her pelvis, the following day I got a call from Brook's owner saying how she was so much better. I continued to work on Brook at weekly intervals until she was in alignment again. I then saw Brook for regular maintenance checks every few months, to prevent any further problems from occurring. "We are all extremely grateful for everything that you did for Brook, you prevented her from having major surgery" Theresa Holden (Brook's owner)
Inonothing (Horse)
Daffy, a 20+ years riding school horse, who had not been able to do anything in the last month as Daffy did not want to have a saddle or rugs put on her. The vet had visited and could not get near Daffy to examine her and recommended an x-ray. Walking around with Daffy in a circle I managed to locate a vertebra in her withers that was out of alignment, and after adjustment Daffy instantly stood still and the yard fell silent in amazement. Daffy let me finish the treatment whilst she stood as still as a rock. "Martine looked at Daffy, took a history and treated her. The results were instant, the mare took no further medication and was rideable within two days" Karen Challis BHSAI (owner of Palmer Riding stables)
Inonothing (Mannie): 1996 16.1hh TB Gelding. I used to give Mannie regular chiropractic treatment throughout his career to keep him straight and supple. Mannie was an advanced 4* Event horse who was ridden by Paul Tapner and was the winner of the 2010 Badminton Horse Trials.