Martine Stiles BSc (Hons)(Chiro) PGDip (Animal Manip) MMCA AMC RCC

Call for more info: 07810 433 701
McTimoney Chiropractor ESTABLISHED IN 2004
Health & Harmony for Human, Horse & Hound
What is McTimoney Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a hands-on treatment aimed at improving nerve function by maintaining correct alignment of the spine and joints of the body. The McTimoney method that Martine uses is classed as a gentle treatment as the adjustments are achieved using speed and accuracy rather than force.
The nervous system helps to control and maintain wellness within the body. Although Martine's primary aim is to alleviate pain, promote natural healing and increase mobility, other health benefits can occur.
The McTimoney method is a great preventative treatment and it is easier to stop problems from starting than to fix them. We get our cars serviced even if we will trade them in after a few years, but we have our body for life so let's look after it and keep it working at its optimum.
What should I expect?
Your first treatment consists of a full case history (completely confidential) that will include your general health and symptoms of any conditions. A thorough examination of all your joints in the body and the systems of your body will be performed to get a better idea of your present condition and to formulate what treatment will then be needed. A treatment plan will be devised, tailored exactly to your needs.

McTimoney for People
Who will benefit from McTimoney Chiropractic?
McTimoney chiropractic is a very effective treatment for all age groups, there is no upper or lower age limits.
Chiropractic can offer safe, gentle relief during pregnancy.
As a McTimoney patient you can expect improvement / relief from many conditions, some of the conditions I treat are:
Back, neck and shoulder pain.
Discomfort and stiffness in joints and bones.
Migraines and tension headaches.
Some sporting injuries.
Muscular aches and pains.

McTimoney for Animals
When to seek help:
After a fall or accident
Uncharacteristic changes in behaviour,
Performance or temperament
Limb-dragging or odd, irregular leg action
Recurrence of symptoms previously successfully treated by manipulation
It is illegal for anyone to treat an animal without a veterinary surgeon's approval, therefore no animal will be treated without a veterinarian's permission.

Unlevelness, especially behind
Uneven wear of shoes
Sore or cold backs, uneven pressure from saddles and numnahs etc
Unexplained deterioration in performance
Asymmetry, such as stiffness on one rein, or disunited canter
Unexplained resistance such as napping, rearing, refusing or bucking
Uneven muscle development or wasting